Advantages Of Using React Native For Mobile App Development

If you are considering entering the world of mobile app development, you should know that there are countless options at your disposal. Most developers would rather use React Native for their next project. If we talk about the advantages of using React Native for Mobile App Development then we can say that it has a lot of benefits. One of them is its advanced user interface.

React Native is one of the many cross-platform app development frameworks available in the market. It is not a separate framework but can be considered an extension of React JavaScript library. React gives you all the capability to build user interfaces. This makes it easy for developers to go over different platforms and make apps that look and feel similar across devices, while still maintaining a consistent code base. React Native brings all this under one roof to help developers in making apps for iOS as well as Android-based devices using JavaScript/TypeScript codebase.

Here are some advantages of using React Native for mobile app development.

Why To Choose React Native Framework for Mobile App Development?

Allows Code Re-usability:

The convincing benefit of using React Native for development is it does not require separate coding for multiple platforms. It means the developers can use the same code for building apps for different operating system-based devices. As a result, the efficiency and speed of app development increase. Furthermore, there is a lesser requirement for maintenance.

Guarantees the Native Feel and Look of the Application:

All the components of React Native framework comply with the native ones. It functions in conjunction with its own JS and the native UI building block. Thus, assuring a native-like feel and appearance of the app. In addition, the building block remains the same for iOS and Android and the appearance of the app for both platforms is also quite similar.

Hot and Live Reloading Convenience:

React Native framework helps in hot reloading. It aids easy compilation and reloading of modifications done in coding. Furthermore, the advantage of hot reloading lies in its capability of changing the source code the way developers can see the coding even if no app compilation is performed.

Streamlined User Interface:

The main benefit of React Native that attracts the attention of developers or business owners is its assurance of a streamlined user interface. The in-built JS library allows the developers to create apps in a proper sequence that is more unique, engaging, and responsive.

Facilitates Integration of Third-Party Plugins:

Building an app can be a long and expensive process. Here, React Native framework allows the integration of third-party plugins. Furthermore, it enables the integration of options like native modules or JS-based options. All of this helps in boosting the application’s overall performance and functioning.

Cost-Efficient Framework:

The pre-built components and re-usability of codes reduce the app building cost to a greater extent. There is no need to write code separately for iOS or Android app development. Moreover, the pre-built components are easy to deploy, and the overall development process quickens.

Improved Performance:

The React Native framework is effective as it enhances the overall website’s performance by using varying controls and modules. It functions by interacting with native iOS and Android components. These elements help in producing independent native API codes.

The framework’s use of a dedicated thread has a direct impact on performance boost and modification. You also have the option to select alternative solutions. These include a WebView. However, you need to know that these options can negatively impact how well your app runs.

Vast Community Support:

React Native is an open-source framework that allows the expert developer community to evaluate the technological documentation. furthermore, they can contribute to the advancement as per their desire.

In addition, experienced or novice developers can reach out to the community for the guidance of expert developers, gather information on any development-related issues, etc. Even one professional can seek feedback from other professionals for the ongoing project they are working on.

Additionally, developers are urged to share their discoveries and lessons learned. Thus, creating a truly collaborative environment for all professionals. One of the amazing advantages of using mobile app development services for React native-like framework is this.


Native mobile app development is the best way to go for any business. If you are planning to make your business more efficient and agile, react native will help you in taking your business to new heights. Other than delivering exceptional user experience, it provides immersive features and advantages. For example, the convenience of code re-usability, access to huge community experts, and pre-built components, all are offered. Thus, reducing the overall cost of the app development project.

The React Native experts at Stellen Infotech are well-versed and experienced in building feature-rich mobile app solutions. They assure the applications designed have responsive UI and have multiple plugins integrated to enhance overall performance.

So, what are you waiting for? Book your web development consultation with us today!!

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